The Sioux Narrows Public School plays an important role within our community. We work together with the Vilij Well Art Studio to establish a love of all art forms into our children. We will be displaying this art in our partnership also with the Sioux Narrows Arts Council. We join with the recreation Commitee in ventures open to the whole community such as a new years dinner , a winter carnival and movie nights. Our relationships with the local businesses and local residents are nothing short of amazing. We ask for donations for all our functions to raise money for our children. No matter how often we ask, they always come through. We have been able to purchase for our small school items like: cross country skis, recess equipment, bus rides to field trips, field trips, in school presentations, butterfly garden, basket ball nets, and so much more.
The municipality of Sioux Narrows-Nester Falls allows the School to use their Hall ad Provincial Parks at no charge for our functions. The men's breakfast club runs a 50-50 with us solely for the purpose of raising money for us! Bassin for bucks allows us space at their event to have bake sales or sell chocolates. Locals donate their time to create and maintain a skating rink for us!
So for all of this that our community does for us, we try to give back by putting on luncheons for the town, we clean around the town on earth day at the least, having public concerts, helping at the 50 plus center building or maintaining their gardens.
Small school and town spirit are symbiotic in Sioux Narrows! Great job everyone!!